Scott E. Blinks


University of Washington, Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration, 1986

Law School:

DePaul University, Juris Doctor, 1992

DePaul Business Law Journal, Staff Member


Mr. Blinks lives just in Chehalis with his wife and daughter, and his Australian Shepherd. He enjoys hunting and good food and wine



Washington State Bar Association, 1992

United States District Court, Western District of Washington, 1992

United States District Court, Eastern District of Washington, 1993

Supreme Court of the United States of America, 1998


Washington State Bar Association, Lewis County Bar Association (President 2002),

Association of Defense Trial Attorneys (Washington State Chair 2005-2011),

Defense Research Institute,

National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

Washington Academy of Elder Law Attorneys

Practice Areas:

Elder Law, Estate Planning and Administration, and Guardianship. Mr. Blinks is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys and the Washington Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. He has years of experience helping clients with wills, trusts, directives, and powers of attorney. He has also helped Administrators and Personal Representatives navigate their way through hundreds of probates and probate alternatives. He is a top local authority concerning guardianships having represented guardians, wards, alleged incompetent persons, guardians ad Litem, family members, and other interested parties. Mr. Blinks is also called upon to represent individuals in litigation involving trust and estate matters (TEDRA).

 Personal Injury and Wrongful Death. Mr. Blinks has many years of experience defending and prosecuting personal injury and wrongful death actions throughout Western Washington. He has been retained by large national insurance companies and self insured entities. He assisted in the defense of a large tire manufacturer in one of the largest trial verdicts in Lewis County. The jury returned a defense verdict for the tire manufacturer, but another defendant was not so fortunate. He also represents persons injured and killed as a result of another’s negligence.

 Business Law.    Mr. Blinks serves as attorney for many local businesses and business persons. He is actively involved helping these clients with business formation, reporting , compliance, dissolution, document preparation and review, and conflict resolution .

 Real Property.   Mr. Blinks represents many individuals and business in real estate matters including issues related to purchase and sale, timber trespass, boundary line disputes, adverse possession, easements, and others.